The four basic ways to stop data breaches

Online security is more than an app… Every day we hear of more data loses that affect our personal information. Our privacy and our personal data are at stake. Some data thefts on the Internet indicate companies and homes should consider more than just software protection. This article covers four basics you need to consider…

New models for political power

Modern democracies are broken The trend in modern democracy is for power to become more central. The executive grows taking more and more power. It is done in the name of the “people”, the ordinary voters. Actually, is not representative of their wishes. These centralised political power models are rigid and secretive. Important decisions are…

Strong passwords – some pointers

Passwords are the essence of personal security Without a password you can kiss good bye to security in an online account. Security keeps all our personal and financial details safe. Of course a password is more than just a few letters and numbers put together. There are some important things to think about. One of…

Why privacy matters

The essence of privacy matters Personal safety, personal space… the right to a family and a private life. To meet these needs we must have a supportive society. From that society also expect to be given trust and freedom of action – as long as we don’t harm or exploit others. Privacy matters because it…

Freedom, Surveillance and Executive Power

Every time I walk past a surveillance camera… …I feel shame. It is not because I have done anything wrong. It is because we have allowed the politicians in our country (UK) to change from representatives to suppressors. The implementation of an almost universal system of watching has not made our society safer, it has…

Privacy threatened in staggering undemocratic move by UK Government

Anti-privacy legislation in Parliament New anti-privacy legislation is being tabled for Parliamentary time this week. The “Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill” (DRIP) is being rushed through parliament with NO public scrutiny and no independent consultation at a public level. It is legislation that threatens our privacy. IT is happening in the face of the…

I just wrote to my MP about the DRIP Bill…

New legislation tabled for Parliamentary time on the 15th of July threatens the very existence of our privacy – and thereby freedom. The “Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill” is being rushed through parliament with NO public scrutiny and no independent consultation at a public level. You can find the DRIP Bill here: Data Retention…

What is surveillance? Am I affected?

The eye is on you! “Surveillance”, in most peoples eyes, involves nights in cars outside suspects houses. Or perhaps covert operations with cameras pointed between closed curtains from darkened rooms. This is a modern mythology. The drama of the TV screen is far from the surveillance we are all under in our every day lives.…